Degenerative Disc Disease

The disc is the shock absorbing structure that lies between each vertebra, allowing movement, absorbing shock and providing stability to the spine. Disc degeneration is among the leading causes of neck and lower back pain and disability. Disc degeneration is usually seen in older patients and involves structural, functional, mechanical, nutritional and chemical changes in…

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Facet Joint Pain

Facet Joint Pain Treatments Facet joints are small stabilizing joints located between and behind adjacent vertebrae. They allow a small amount of movement to occur at every level, this combined allows the full spinal range of movement. A sudden excessive movement can traumatize the facet joint and cause an inflammatory reaction with swelling and pain…

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Prolapsed Disc & Sciatica

Prolapsed Disc & Sciatica

Treating a Prolapsed Disc & Sciatica The disc is made from a jelly-like centre (nucleus pulposus) surrounded by a hard outer ring (annulus fibrosis). The jelly-like center can push against the outer ring. This may initially cause a bulging of the outer ring of the disc, called a bulging disc. However if there is enough…

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